Text transport

RAIN should support sending the translation files to the client in order to be able to localize code written in the client logic.

The text proposal should be implemented by adding a new route for localization files, possibly under /<component>/<version>/locale. Note that the name of the localization has been omitted. That is because typically there should only be one localization file exposed per component.


The localization file exposed to the client should be formatted as a JSON file, containing the messages in both the server language and the default language, in case there are message ids defined in the default language that do not exist in the configured language (this can be better described as a mathematical set union).

An example of a translation file could be:

    "": {
        "lang": "en",
        "plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);",
        "domain": "messages"
    "Sincerely,": [ null, "Cu stimă,"],
    "Send email": [ null, "Send email"],
    "msgid": [pl, sg, pl, pl2, pl3]

This file could be served from disk or from memory, since it will probably be loaded on server startup so that in can be used by the server side localization functions.

Client side requirements

The JSON file described in Format should be requested by the client as a dependency of the client side controller (this way the client side controller has the translation data available).

For this to work we need a JSON plugin for requirejs (there is one already written).

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Server Translations System

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